9 June 2021 – LRS Viral Net 62

The participants in the very interesting Net #62 on 9th June were: Colin GM4HWO (controller), Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF (Peebles), Alan GM3PSP, Melvyn GM4HYR (remote, from Dumbarton), Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM8KCS, Brian GM4DIJ, Briain GM8PKL (squeaked in at the end).

Pete was on 23cm and 13cm on Sunday, fairly disastrous, but worked a few on 23cm, and G3XDY on 13cm, then his preamp failed! On Tuesday there was extended tropo on 70cm right down the east cost to Norfolk. Difficult to find space but he worked 40 QSOs. Best DX was G3SED near Portsmouth. He worked I.O.M. on tropo over the Pentland Hills. He was now working on his 10GHz gear with 14W output power. VHF NFD planning was going well – check-sheet soon. Brian BJF was readable by most. He was working on spurii from his FT-736. His antenna was now fixed  Alan missed last week’s net due to family visit to celebrate daughter’s 50th birthday. He mentioned an article in the EEN on the Barnton Quarry Nuclear Bunker and would post on the website. He asked to clarification on possible D/F Hunt and barbecue. Melvyn was a very good signal from Dumbarton – via a remote link to his station in Murrayfield! Peter had checked his frequency calibration and had a back-up station for VHFNFD with panoramic display etc. He had dropped in to the Braid Hills Hotel where they hope to be able to hold LRS meetings again in the autumn. A date for a D/F hunt might be Wed 14th July – tbc. Mike had visited a customer near Biggar yesterday and managed to work Briain who was in West Linton on 40m. Brian DIJ was now back after a month in Galloway where he had been busy in all the relevant contests from a site above Stoneykirk. Unfortunately Internet access was very poor there. He only worked 2-3 stations each on 23cm and 13cm. Running 2W on 3cm from Port Logan he worked GI6ATZ. George Burt GM3OXX (SK) set the 3cm world record in 1976 from nearby Portpatrick when he worked G3BRS/P in Cornwall. Colin had met Bob GM4CMI at Tescos who had a 4m beam for sale, which Alan would put on the website. Pete concluded that a BBQ would not be feasible for a while. Briain called in at the end for a quick hello to everyone. E&OE. Audio tnx Peter.


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