31 Mar 2021 – LRS Viral Net 52

Net #52 on 31st March had 11 participants: controller Colin GM4HWO, Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF, Briain GM8PKL, Mike GM8KCS, Melvyn GM4HYR, John GM8OTI, Peter GM4DTH, Brian GM4DIJ, Norrie GM1CNH.

Colin was working on radio maintenance and antennas. He had been contacted by Peter GM0PXV, a former member who wished to make contact again. He had helped John GM3BST-SK in his latter years in a care-home in Loanhead. Alan had put a note on the website about plans to operate GM3HAM in the 2m contest in May from our usual site at Gatehouse of Fleet. Pete was checking his 10GHz equipment for the new season and had found several problems. He might operate it from home in the contest. For the May 2m contest we should check the rules regarding post-codes. Briain would work on his antennas tomorrow. He hoped to work Bernie GM4WZG, 6-7 miles line-of-site from the Braids to Dalgety Bay in Fife on the higher frequencies. Last night he was 5&9 on a lamp. Mike had had a total disaster with his transverter for the NAG amplifier, with a dry joint and then a spider causing a short in the PA. Melvyn’s VHF antenna was not yet up. He continued to work on his daughter’s house-drains. (Some people have all the luck). He had done a nice walk at Dundas House near South Queensferry. John’s PA was working OK. He had been doing mostly astronomical photography with the recent clear skies. Peter was testing his new headset. He had again worked Toby MM0TSS on QRP. For possible portable operation he recommended checking the availability of pubs and public toilets! He confirmed that the LRS donation had been made to the Museum of Communication. Brian had fitted a new mic lead. He had run a half-marathon on Monday and had been walking on Corstorphine Hill. He hoped to operate 3cm from home. including working BYF on the south side of Fairmilehead from Corstorphine by bouncing his signal off the Pentland Hills. Norrie had updated the data list for the 2m contest in May and could provide equipment. E&OE. Audio re-coded tnx Peter:


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