2004 – 70MHz Trophy – Gatehouse of Fleet

Just a few shots of the main 70MHz beam being readied by Norrie GM1CNH. Not sure who the other op is, possibly Mark MM0MMK. Also present: Pete GM4BYF, Mark Mackay MM0MMK, Mike GM4IGS, Rob Hemesley MM1RAH and Brian GM4DIJ who took the photos. The rig was a Yaesu FT847 + 4CX250B linear giving 160W output. Antennas were an 11-element yagi (H) on 32m (68ft) mast plus a 6-element yagi (V) on a shorter pole for FM QSOs. Brian notes: “SWR went infinite 1/2 hour before the start of contest. Fortunately the dodgy connection was reachable near the bottom of the 68ft mast”. 89 QSOs were made with best DX G1EHF/P at 549km. There was quite a lot of FM activity in NI after the GB2RS news and we made 4 QSOs in Belfast. This station GM3HAM/P gained 2nd place in Section M of the contest. 


Norrie securing the 11-ele  home-brew yagi onto the pole, assisted by Peter GM4DTH.




Sunset on the first day. That mast was 32m (68ft) high.


Both antennas: (L) – 6-ele yagi (Vertical) for FM QSOs & (R) – 11-ele yagi (Horizontal) for SSB QSOs.


Photos courtesy of Brian GM4DIJ.


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