22 July 2020- 16th LRS Viral Net

There were eight participants in the 16th LRS Viral Net on 22nd July: controller Colin GM4HWO, Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF, Briain GM8PKL, Alan GM3PSP, Mike GM8KCS and Norrie GM1CNH. Brian BJF was stronger with several stations after turning his antenna vertical and reflecting off a building to his south.

Brian and Pete both reported progress on their 122GHz project (that’s a wavelength of 2.5mm)! Alan mentioned new LRS website items: GM4DIJ’s report on his 6m Trophy entry, and the WorldRadioHistory website with links to very many radio, broadcasting and music magazines, found by BJF. Other topics included the “Phantom Jammer” – could this be military as one DF’d location was close to the Castlelaw range?; the Scotia Trophy (possible incorporation into SOTA?); outdoor pubs for Pub Nights and a possible date for return to the Braid Hills Hotel. The larger meeting room would be appropriate to provide spacing but the problem of servery noise remains.

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