There were 9 participants in the 14th LRS Viral Net on 8th July, controlled by Colin GM4HWO: Briain GM8PKL, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF in Peebles. Mike GM8KCS, Alan GM3PSP, Norrie GM1CNH, Peter GM4DTH & John GM8OTI. Brian GM8BJF had rotated his antenna to 45 degrees vertical and was heard for the first time by several stations at about 4&1, a significant improvement! With viral conditions improving gradually and participation laws being relaxed, future events were discussed – a possible Pub Night in August if a suitable beer-garden can be found, an expedition to Gatehouse in the first weekend in September, possibly more for social reasons than a contest score, and a Junk Sale at St Fillan’s in October. Pete GM4BYF has been making arrangements for GM3HAM QSLs to be distributed via LOTW as no volunteer has come forward to replace him as QSL Manager.
GM8PKL’s 2m cloverleaf antenna at his QTH on the side of the Braid Hills, with Edinburgh Castle in the distance.