1st July 2020 – 13th LRS Viral Net

On the 1st of July, Colin GM4HWO was back in control on the 13th net with participants: Briain GM8PKL, Mike GM8KCS, Alan GM3PSP, Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF in Peebles, heard only by GM4BYF and Brian GM4DIJ; also Norrie GM1CNH. At this time it doesn’t look as though LRS Pub Nights in July & Aug are ready to resume. Colin suggested that we should plan for a portable contest at Gatehouse of Fleet in early September. We have had a membership enquiry from a recent GM7 who has returned to radio after about 20 years, whom we are advising about equipment and antennas for VHF / UHF operation from a flat in Newington.

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