5th April 2020 – Temporary Q-Codes

Brian GM4DIJ has just received this from his friends in the SOC – Second-Class Operators Club:

From SOC mailing list
Temporary Ham Radio Q-Codes for our times:
QLD: I am locked down.
QUA: I am quarantined.
QPD: I am in the middle of a pandemic.
QTP: I have toilet paper. Want to trade for a new car?
QFC: I am flattening the curve.
QHG: I need a hug.
QSH: I am sheltering in place.
QHS: I have hand sanitizer. Want to trade for two new              cars?
QSD: I am observing social distancing.
QCV: I hate Coronavirus

Click for Special Instructions.



Dave Wilson, M0OBW, RSGB President, and Ian Shepherd, G4EVK, RSGB Board Chair have a message to radio amateurs.

“We hope that you all understand the very serious nature of the current health crisis. As you are now aware, the situation has dramatically worsened and we have all been ordered to stay at home unless travelling for a specific and unavoidable reason. As radio amateurs we are in the fortunate position of being able to talk to other amateurs and chat to those who are finding it tough going. Ian and I are asking you, as radio amateurs, to please do one thing for us: search out local amateurs and arrange a sked, not necessarily on air: there are many alternatives we can all use such as video calls, or even a simple phone call. Pay particular attention to those who you know or learn to be alone or who are vulnerable for whatever reason. We are all in this together! Keep safe.”


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