27th November 2019 – uBITX Radio Kit – John Innes MM0JXI

At the meeting on 27th Nov, John Innes MM0JXI talked about the μBITX Radio – a low-cost HF transceiver kit. 

“John is a member of Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club & the highly successful GM2T contest team. Licensed since the 1980s, he is webmaster at cpsarc.com and newsletter editor.”  

The μBITX kit, as received. The PCB is fully assembled in India. Cost was $130.



The μBITX Radio built by John in a suitable case (extra).


    1. Purchase & shipping information: http://www.hfsignals.com/

    2. Info on building & modifying the radio: http://ubitx.net/

    3. Cases for the radio: https://amateurradiokits.in/

(John’s case cost $43 plus $20 shipping by India post)


John was thanked for his presentation by LRS President, Alan GM3PSP


James GM4WZP, Pete GM4BYF andf John MM0JXI.


John’s home station in Musselburgh from which he is very active on the HF bands.


David GM3YMX, John GM7REG, Colin GM4EAU, Pete GM4BYF and new face, Ed GM4AIS – cheers!


John’s Powerpoint slide show:



















Pop click fix components installed. 





Alternative case 1. 


Alternative case 2 and display.


Alternative case 3 and display.




Many thanks to John for his excellent talk and very clear slides.


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