13th November 2019 – SOTA and 13cm Escapades – Jack Hood GM4COX

In prep – psp

At the meeting of the LRS on 13 Nov 2019 Jack Hood GM4COX, who has been a leading light of the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society since its inception in 1970, talked about “SOTA & 13cm Escapades”. 

Following the successful launch in the summer of 2017 of the introduction of 13cm SOTA to the Scottish amateur fraternity by Andy MM0FMF of LRS & Jack GM4COX, Jack described developments over the last 2 years.


 Jack GM4COX. Photo courtesy QRZ.com.


 Jack GM4COX and Andy MM0FMF were jointly awarded the RSGB Jack Wylie Trophy for 2019-20 for their work on 13cm SOTA. Andy, who had held the trophy for the past 6 months, handed it over to Jack at this LRS meeting.



 Welcome to Jack’s talk.


 First he is going to talk about SWAMP.


SWAMP is the Scottish Worked All Munros Project.


 One of the first to achieve SWAMP was Anne Hood, GM4UXX, Jack’s XYL.


 Then Jack moved on to SOTA – Summits On The Air, especially on 13cm..


Here is a SOTAwatch2 list of SOTA activityon various bands.


Jack also operated SOTA on the HF bands.


 HF whip aerial.


 And on VHF.


 2m 3-ele yagi.


As it says, “What about higher frequencies?” 


Jack first talked about 13cm SOTA at the 2018 GMRT – Scottish Microwave Round Table.


 A key component was an SG Labs transverter from 2300 MHxz to 430MHz


 The first antenna tried was this 4-element yagi, etched on printed circuit board.


The Scottish Amateur Radio 13cms Microwave Group or cryptically called M13, was set up in 2017.


 This is a log of 13cms activity on one weekend in June 2019.


                                         One of the enthusiasts is LRS member, John Cooke GM8OTI.                                                       This is his yagi on a nice sold tripod.


Jack’s antennas.




Multiple-loop antennas of LRS member Andy MM0FMF.


 Vertical array of 13cm dipoles used by Ed GM3SBC of Edinburgh.


 Jack’s Multiple loop antenna.


 Coax feed.




 The light, flat construction is ideal for carrying to portable sites.


 Power / SWR meter used by Bob GM4GUF of Biggar.


 Measurement equipment of Stewart G4AFF / GM4AFF.


Rear of Stewart’s equipment. 


Jack’s own equipment.


 Equipment display.


Testing Jack’s equipment.


 Testing the multiple-loop antenna in Jack’s shack.


 Complete set-up under test.


So What’s Next?


 Map showing all Jack’s 13cm portable QSOs.


 That’s all for the moment – thanks for coming.


Hope we have stimulated your interest and we may see you on 13cm sometime? 


73 from Jack GM4COX. 



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