26 June 2019 – LRS Summer Barbecue

The LRS BBQ was again held at “Bates Motel”, the QTH of Pete Bates GM4BYF & XYL Kay GM6KAY, on Wed 26th June.

(And the Wx forecast turned out to be correct – sunny)! There was a turn-out of 16 including Veronica Saunders who came all the way from Kelso.

The usual lavish spread of food was provided and the event was FREE this year thanks to a surplus in our accounts following two very successful Surplus Equipment Sales.

Early arrivals were Brian GM8BJF, and Roger (sporting his latest portable antenna) and XYL Kath.


Mike GM8KCS and Peter GM4DTH


 Melvyn GM4HYR (winner of LRS D/F Hunt 2019) with his new Chinese D/F receiver.


Our host Pete GM4BYF was celebrating his birthday for which XYL Kay had baked him a nice cake.


… and he succeeded in blowing out the candle in a single puff!


Roger, Colin GM4HWO; Robin GM4YPL, Pete GN4BYF and Liz – XYL-GM4YPL. 

Melvyn GM4HYR and Brian GM8BJF having a good crack.

Suggestions for caption, please!


Many thanks to Pete and Kay for yet another very nice LRS barbecue.


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