28 Nov 2018 – RSGB Convention Videos – Presented by Brian GM8BJF


At the meeting on 28th November 2018, LRS President Brian Flynn GM8BJF presented the videos of two talks given at recent RSGB National Conventions.

Links are provided below.


(1) 3000 + km QSOs on 2m by Tropo & MS  

by John Regnault  G4SWX  ~ 45 mins

In the talk John addressed the range of key technical issues that are important to working 144MHz DX, from how to select the right equipment & antennas, through understanding your site to tools and operating techniques for both terrestrial modes and moonbounce.

Link (for RSGB members only): log in to RSGB Members then enter:



(2) Home Design and Construction 

by Bob Burns G3OUU   ~  30 mins




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