18 July 2018 – Silent Key – John Royston Buchanan ex-GM8BYF

John Royston Buchanan, ex-GM8BYF, a former member of the LRS in the 1960s-70s, died suddenly at home on 18th July 2018. 

Ken Dons GM0AXY / formerly LA6EF writes: John and I worked alongside one another at Ferranti, Crewe Toll back in 1965 to the 1970’s. He was “my” techie who did all the wiring and layouts etc of prototypes of designs of the early CAD equipment; digitizers and plotting equipment … those were the pioneering days of computer graphics, hi!

We never spoke on the air; not as radio amateurs at any rate; we did “speak” using some mobile Cambridge radios, transmitting text and some rudimentary graphics; it was eventually installed with the Metropolitan Police as one of their earliest mobile data systems! “ 




John’s funeral was on 30th July 2018 at Mortonhall crematorium.

Much of John’s radio equipment was sold at the LRS Surplus Equipment Sale on 17th October 2018. 

Click for Scotsman obituary.

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