6-8 July 2018 RSGB VHF NFD at Gatehouse of Fleet


             Alan GM3PSP, Danny GM6CMQ, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM4DIJ, Andy MM0FMF, Mike GM4IGS,                           Brian GM8BJF, Terry GM3WUX.

The GM3HAM Contest Group operated VHF-NFD from our usual contest site near Gatehouse of Fleet on the weekend of 6-8 July. The Wx was outstanding and excellent scores were achieved.

The results were posted by the RSGB on 16th August, showing that GM3HAM won the Restricted Section (Martlesham Trophy), leading Scottish Station (Cockenzie Quaich) and the 50MHz & 70MHz band awards.



                                                 6m:   95 QSOs  40,576 pts    best: 9A5ST @ 1946 km. 

                                                 4m: 105 QSOs  39,025 pts    best: EA8DBM @ 3127 km

                                                 2m:  244 QSOs  77,654 pts   best:  F6KCP/P @ 839 km

                                                 23cm: 30 QSOs  9,623 pts    best:  PA0S @ 657km

Click for RSGB List.



            6m:     FT847 100W to 9 element H/B yagi at 10m agl. (GM4DIJ). 

            4m:     FT847 + S/S amplifier w/built-in pre-amp – 40W to 11 element H/B yagi at 10m agl. (GM4DIJ).

            2m:     IC-910 100W to M2-2M5WL 17 element yagi at 10m agl (GM6CMQ).

            23cm:  FT736R + S/S linear amp (100W). Antenna – 67 element yagi at 9m agl. (GM8BJF)


On arrival on the Friday afternoon the main task was pitching the tents. 


 The ‘Event Tent’ would be used for the 2m station and social gatherings at the end of the day.


Then we adjourned to the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse of Fleet for dinner.


 Another diner kindly took this photo of our group (Andy MM0FMF would arrive the following morning).


Then back to the Events Tent to discuss tactics for the contest.


Etc …




 The Wx was fine all night and  this continued throughout the weekend.

Danny GM6CMQ prepared the Heliax cable for the 2m antenna.


The 17-element yagi for 2m.


 Brian GM8BJF and Pete GM4BYF assembling the 67-element yagi for 23cm..


 Mike GM4IGS and Danny GM6CMQ assembled the enormous 9-element 6m yagi (which would be converted on the Sunday morning to an 11-element 4m Yagi).


Preparing to raise the 6m yagi using a jinn-pole. 


Checking the antenna SWR after erection.  


Impressive view of the three stations L-R: 6m, 23cm and 2m. 


 Danny’s very neat 2m station – Icom IC-910 with an MFJ ‘Talking Parrot’ audio box which proved very useful for automatic replay of pre-recorded CQ calls..


 The principal operators of the 2m station were Andy MM0FMF and Danny GM6CMQ.


Andy MM0FMF. 


 Danny GM6CMQ.


 Brian GM8BJF operating his 23cm station with Pete GM4BYF check-logging.


Terry GM3WUX (R) and Brian GM4DIJ operating the 6m station. Mike GM4IGS also operated 6m. 


 A white-LED lighting strip was used for the 2m station after dark.


 On the Saturday evening, we divided into two shifts to go down to Gatehouse for dinner while the remainder continued operating. Eventually when the bands were worked out we discussed the events of the day. 


Etc …




 The Sunday morning was warm and sunny again, making this the contest with the best wx that anyone could remember.


 After taking down the 6m yagi, it was converted to 4m and re-erected. The 4m operators were Brian GM4DIJ, Mike GM4IGS and Terry GM3WUX, seen here with Pete GM4BYF (standing).

 Brian GM8BJF searching for QSOs in 23cm, much quieter than the other two stations.


On the Sunday morning Alan and Andy drove over the very rough farm road with many gates used to retain the many coos and sheeps, to thank the farmer, Robert Graham, for the use of his field. 

 Photo also includes his wife and daughter.