23 Apr 2018 – Silent Key – Frank Benson GM8EKF


Frank Benson GM8EKF, a former committee member of the Lothians Radio Society, died on 23rd April 2018 at the age of 88. His funeral was attended by David Henderson GM6KGZ who writes:

“I have known Frank since 1982, he lived near the Botanic Gardens and was a keen gardener, He was also a keen musician and played the organ, piano and keyboard, he was also interested in weather observation using weather satellites and home weather stations when they became available.

When I first met him he was active on all bands HF, VHF and UHF, as he got older he became less active on the HF Bands and more active on 2 metres and 70 cms. using SSB and FM where he had regular skeds with Ron GM4IKU and John GM3LHV”                                   



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