2018 News Item Archive

2018-10-21 – 3min Video of Galashiels Rally 2018

2018-12-08 – Sat – 11:30am MOC Christmas Lecture: ‘Finding Robinson Crusoe’ by Dr David Caldwell. Followed by festive lunch. RSVP to Dorothy Brankin. Click text for details.

2018-11-26 at 19:00 GMT – Live NASA-TV of Cubesats Martian landing

2018-10-23 Birth of the Internet

                  Aha! So this is how it all got started! 

2018-08-25 GMRT (3rd Nov at MoC) Booking Forms now available (Click) 

2018-10-23-31 Hurricane Willa (Mexico) emergency nets: pse avoid 7.060, 7.130 & 14.120 (Spanish).

2018-10-27 James Clark Maxwell, Man of Science, Poetry & Music, lecture with music at the Dynamic Earth by Prof Tom Stevenson, Sat 27th October.

2018-10-21 (Sunday) at 11:15am – Galashiels Open Day & Rally, Volunteer Hall, St John St, Galashiels.

2018-09-25 Decoding an Enigma machine (video)

2018-09-15 Barnton Secret Bunker open to public on 29-30 Sept.


2018-09-11 Scientists discover dozens of signals ‘from alien galaxy’ 3Bn light years away.

– Photo courtesy London Evening Standard.

2018-09-02 – Saturn’s Auroras – courtesy BGR

2018-09-01 Petition launched to save WWV and WWVH from closure in 2019

2018-08-22 – ISS Solar Transit – Spaceweather.com:


2018-08-21 – Cabrach Cold War Listening Post: (Contains other similar links).


2018-08-17 – GM3HAM/P RSGB VHF-NFD Restricted Section overall winner (Martlesham Trophy) and Leading GM (Cockenzie Quaich). Also winner of 50MHz and 70MHz band awards. Photo & note in RadCom Oct 2018. 


2018-08-17 – Large Coronal Hole to Earth may cause Aurora Aug 20-21


2018-08-13 – Successful Transmissions on 17.1kHz from SAQ Grimeton on Alexanderson Day:

2018-08-12 New RAE syllabus to be published soon by RSGB

2018-11-03 GMRT Scottish Microwave Round Table & Dinner – Date: Sat 3 Nov 2018 at MoC Burntisland 

2018-06-25 Bletchley Park Bombe, Heath Robinson & Colossus computers moved to National Museum of Computing, also at BP. (Tnx Tom Stevenson). 

(Photo courtesy Science Photo Library)

2018-06-24 Maplins Haymarket Store Finally Closed


2018-06-21 Sunspot AR2715 compared with Earth 

(Scary) photo courtesy spaceweather.com


2018-06-03 Schoolboy makes silicon chips at home


2018-05-27 Bletchley Park could crack codes again 

2018-05-18 Maplin website closed; stores still open.

2018-05-05 Eta Aquiroids meteor shower this weekend. (Debris from Halley’s comet).

2018-02-28 Maplins Closing


2018-02-20 Himalaya Tandoori Restaurant closed (venue for LRS Xmas Curries)              

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