In prep – psp.
Allister Watson GM7RYR, who is beacon-keeper for GB7EE, talked about Digital Voice Modes on 28th Feb 2018. There was a good turnout of 11 in spite of the blizzard blowing outside – “The Beast from the East”!
This talk looked at the different digital modes used on the VHF / UHF bands: D-Star, Fusion (C4FM) and DMR, the developments of the Local, National and International Networks and compared this with the state of the networks at the last talk given to the Lothians RS in February 2016. (Click)

Allister brought an excellent collection of digital equiment for display.


Allister demonstrating his many items of equipment for digital voice modes.

Most of the evening there had been a blizzard blowing thanks to the “Beast from the East” storm but it cleared a bit for the journey home after the meeting.