Peter Dick GM4DTH, who is the current President of the Edinburgh Cine & Video Society, presented the annual LRS Video Evening on Wednesday 10th January 2018 at the ECVS screening room in Fettes Row. The theme was “The Role of Radio in Aviation”. Here are some stills from this very interesting evening which covered not only radio communication but also Direction-Finding and RADAR in aviation.
Loan DVD copies of the complete program are available from Peter.
1. Air Ministry Official Film – The Imperial Airway – The work of British Airways. 1924 20:33:24
2. Crown Film Unit – On the Beam 1951 10:08:01
3. CAA – Communications in Air Traffic Control. 1970 19:01:09
Visits to the London Control Centre, the Prestwick Oceanic Control Centre, the UK Civil Aviation Centre and the RAF Airmove Network reveal the intricacies and complexities of the then range of communications – ground to air, air to ground and ground to ground – at the disposal of air traffic controllers including VHF and UHF radio signals, radar – both primary location and secondary surveillance variants, Flight Plan Processing Computers and Radar Aerodrome Surface Movement Indicators. The film includes footage of the Trident and the prototyped Concorde aircraft.
4. Central Office of Information CAA – Radar for Air Traffic Control 1973 22:30:00
5. Volmet 1980 5:09
A brief insight into the work of London Volmet North (Heathrow) as one of a worldwide network of radio stations that transmit meteorological information for aircraft in flight.