This is a new section on this website which contains details of all the amateur radio clubs known to have existed in the Edinburgh area. Submissions of additional photographs and details will be most welcome.

See next heading below for individual clubs descriptions.

List of known clubs:


Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club – GM4HAM

Edinburgh & District Radio Society

Edinburgh Napier University Radio Club – GM7LOG (tbc) 

Edinburgh University Amateur Radio Club – EUNARC

Ferranti Edinburgh Recreation Club GM4FER

Mary Erskine School for Girls Radio Club

George Heriot’s School Radio Club – GM4FFI

Heriot-Watt University Radio Club – GM3WEE

Leith Nautical College Radio Club – GM4AXG

Lothians Radio Society – GM3HAM

Pioneer Radio Club – GM4AVH 

Daniel Stewart’s College Radio Club – GM3OLQ & GM8EWQ 

George Watson’s College Radio Club – GM3BCD



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