24 May 2017 – D/F Hunt – Peter Dick GM4DTH

L-R: Alasdair GM6ZQQ, Melvyn GM4HYR (winner), Mike Jr MM3MDB, Mike Sr GM8KCS

The annual LRS Direction-Finding Contest (D/F Hunt) took place on Wednesday 24th May 2017 with Peter Dick GM4DTH operating the Fox station GM3HAM/P..

The results were: 

Melvyn Bond GM4HYR / Alasdair GM6ZQQ: 1h 19m
Mike Brunsden GM8KCS / Mike Jr MM3MDB: 1h 51m
Pete Bates GM4BYF: arrived 22:13
Melvyn retained the LRS D/F Trophy and will be presented with it at the LRS Barbecue on 28th June.

The fox station GM3HAM/P operated by Peter GM4DTH, was located at NT193769 near to the mouth of the River Almond with this beautiful view out to the Firth of Forth and Cramond Island.

After the event the participants relocated to the nearby Cramond Inn to enjoy well-deserved Diet Cokes!

Peter and Alasdair were shooting video. We look forward to seeing the results. A first cut is looking good.

Click for Full Report with more photos.

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