5 April 2017 – LRS Spring Surplus Equipment Sale

Alan GM1WYV, Ken GM4AOR and Andy MM0FMF examining some of the many items for sale.

The LRS Spring Surplus Equipment Sale was held on 5th April 2017 at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone. There was a good turnout of members of the LRS and other clubs, one as far away as Glasgow. This sale had a different feel to it with over a hundred small items from the estate of Bob Rutherford GM0FAL-SK being sold in rapid succession by Andre Saunders GM3VLB and his XYL, Veronica. They were thanked by LRS President, Andy MM0FMF, for all the hard work they had put into preparing and selling all Bob’s items. Quite a number of interesting and unusual items surfaced during the sale. 

Brian GM8BJF and Veronica XYL-GM3VLB


Andre GM3VLB consults with XYL Veronica (‘the Management’)!


Andre GM3VLB, Andy MM0FMF & Pete GM4BYF.


 Andre with an unusual item – a nice pair of Slinky coil toys!


Andy with an anemometer.


 Pete GM4BYF with an RF signal generator.


 Melvyn GM4HYR admires the balloon radiosonde being sold by Andy MM0FMF.


 Pete GM4BYF took no prisoners! (Or possibly rehearsing for his next acting role).


 Your scribe wondered if this was the return of Colin’s electronic accordion from the last sale but it turned out to be an HF frame antenna, beautifully-built (like so many other items at this sale) by Bob GM0FAL-SK.


 Ken GM4AOR brought a large number of working circuit boards from TV sets that had lost their screens, allowing a quick and simple replacement to get a set working again.


LRS Treasurer Peter GM4DTH collecting the money and guarding the raffle prizes.



 Ken GM4AOR picking the next raffle ticket after winning a nice prize himself.


In prep – more soon. psp.

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