1946-47 L(A)RS Founding – & Pre-War List

     The Founding of the Lothians (Amateur) Radio Society in November 1946

Searching of archival copies of the RSGB Bulletin from October 1946 onwards has revealed the following history of the founding of the LRS. The record is not complete, e.g. exact dates.

  1. Prior to the founding of the LRS, Amateur Radio in the Lothians was organized by the RSGB in their Scotland “D” Area (Edinburgh and Midlothian etc).

Meetings were held at the Chamber of Commerce, 25 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh.

In 1946 the RSGB A.R. (Area Representative) was J. (Jack) Wilson GM6XI,

 52 Macdowall Road, Newington, Edinburgh 9.  Edinburgh 42153.

Jack Wilson GM6XI at the Scottish VHF Convention 1969. 

  1. The RSGB Bulletin Supplement for October 1946 carried the following report for “D” Area by GM6XI: 

“Meetings were resumed in September. It has been agreed to form a Lothians Amateur Radio Society and an announcement will be made in due course. Members welcome the nomination of 6JH as C.R. (County Representative?) and 6LS as T.R. (Town Representative?) Both are well fitted for these tasks. Local activity continues at a high level, some new calls will shortly be heard”.                                          GM6XI. 

  1. The RSGB Bulletin for December 1946 (Vol. 22 No. 6) carried the following report by GM6XI:

“The November Meeting (date not stated) was devoted to the formation of the new Lothians Amateur Radio Society. Mr. T. H. Nisbet was unanimously elected President and Mr. Geo Millar (GM3UM) Secretary. A fully representative committee has been norminated and an era of still greater progress can be anticipated. Five metre activity is growing. Please contact GM6SR (Mr. Syd Rowden) if interested”.    GM6XI

  1. The RSGB Bulletin of February 1947 carried the following report by GM6XI:

“Edinburgh. – members welcomed 6RG’s contribution to their recent discussion on 60 operation and await his return from W to hear his promised talk. The new committee are considering the 1947 programme, including Field Day arrangements. Activity on 60 is increasing, several new transmitters and receivers being on the stocks. 5YX, 2BD, 3BX and 3UM keep the CW DX flag flying”.                               GM6XI

  1. The RSGB Bulletin of May 1947 included the following information about National Field Day 1947. In the Lothians and Edinburgh, Edinburgh has applied to operate in NFD using the following callsigns:
    1. GM6JH/P – location: Field nr. The Pomathorn – Howgate Cross Roads.
    2. GM6LS/P – location 1/1/2 miles South-east of Penicuik, Midlothian.

Operators were reminded that DBST (Double British Summer Time) would be in operation!

Note: it has not yet been established when the “A” was dropped from the name of the Society – ajm.

Summary 1946-47 Ver.1,  10 June 2016,  Alan J. Masson GM3PSP.


Edinburgh Amateurs 1920-1939, from Jack Hum’s (G5UM) Callbook

(Note – “GM” prefix was not used before WW2).

(Note – “GM” prefix was not used before WW2).

          2AZ   L. Crech, 282 Easter Road, Edinburgh. (See also 6QP).

          2BD   W. D. Ingle, 3 Montpelier Terrace, Edinburgh.

          2EH   BBC Relay, Edinburgh.

          2SP   R. A. Sproule, 23 Colinton Mains Place, Edinburgh

          2TF   W. Winkler, Edinburgh.

          2ZN   David Joseph, 26 Blinkbonny Road, Edinburgh.

          3BZ   J. Cleghorn, 37 Dundee Terrace, Edinburgh.

          3HX   E. W. Stewart, 4 Craiglockhart Place, Edinburgh.

          3NI   D. S. Bruce, 2 Eyre Crescent, Edinburgh.

          3UM  George P. Millar, 8 Plewlands Gardens, Edinburgh.

          4FH   Dr. E. G. Walsh, 64 Liberton Drive, Edinburgh. Callsign GM4FH re-issued in 2007 to his                                   grandson, Alexander (Derry) Hamilton, Edinburgh, nephew of Brian Flynn GM8BJF.

          5DO  Edinburgh Radio Society, 13 Lockharton Crescent, Edinburgh. 

          5GK   R. T. Batchen, 15 Charterhall Road, Edinburgh.

          5HC   J. A. Beveridge, Edinburgh.

          5YW   G. Luke, 122 Duke Street, Leith, Edinburgh.

          5YX   W. (Bill) Blyth, 17 Elgin Terrace, Edinburgh.

          6AF   R. H. Rice, Eastbourne.

          6AF   W. Anderson, Edinburgh – not shown.

          6FN   S. A. French, Valetta, Alnwickhill Road, Liberton, Edinburgh.

          6NO   J. J. E. Blacks, 20 Easter Drylaw View, Edinburgh.

          6QP   J. Oxley, 17 Wellington Street, Edinburgh – moved to 282 Easter Road (see 2AZ).

          6RZ   George Spence, 107 Dumbiedykes Road, Edinburgh.

          6SR   Sydney (Syd) Rowden, Rosebank, Pilrig Street, Edinburgh.

          6XI   Jack Wilson, 52 Macdowall Road, Newington, Edinburgh.

          8HA  J. H. Emmerson, 26 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh.

          8LA   P. W. Borthwick, 75 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh.

                                                                                                                 “8 missing”.


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