13 July – 24 Aug – LRS Summer Pub Nights

Pub Night 4 (24th Aug): There was a good turnout of ten for the last for this summer, and no sweaty joggers to drive us to another pub!  

Pub Night 3 (10th Aug): Wee Bennet’s was swamped with sweaty joggers so Mike GM8KCS & Peter GM4DTH decamped to the more civilised atmosphere of Hunter’s Tryst. 

Pub Night 2 (27th July): Peter GM4BYF, Tommy GM4DCL, Vic GM3OWU, John GM8OTI, Briain GM8PKL, Alan GM3PSP, Peter GM4DTH. 
Pub Night 1 (13th July): Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM8KCS, Tommy GM4DCL, Briain GM8PKL, Pete GM4BYF, Alan GM3PSP, Mike MM0MLB. Missing: Vic GM3OWU, Colin GM4HWO.
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