5 June 2016 – Silent Key – George P Millar GM3UM

George P. Millar GM3UM died peacefully at the age of 96 at the Glencairn Care Home in the Grange on 5th June 2016. He was possibly the last surviving founder-member of the Lothians Radio Society, having been its first Secretary in 1946-7 and its second President in 1947-48. A keen CW contester, he operated GM3HAM/P  for the LRS in National Field Day for many years and also, using his own callsign, in other contests with the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society. He was the LRS Auditor and RSGB Rep for many years. 

George’s classic-style QSL card.



 National Field Day 1955 at Loanhead. GM3UM is at RH end of rear row. 


 Also NFD 1955: GM3UM is in front pair, to right of Ian Maconochie GM3GIG.


George operating at an unidentified NFD. Check logger not identified.
The pipe was a usual feature! 

 George GM3UM at NFD 1960 at Loanhead with Colin Davidson GM3LAV.


 GM3UM on Lauder Common with car and gear of Colin GM3LAV.

Photo by Colin GM3LAV / date unknown.


George (RHS) and XYL Pamela at an LRS Social in 1950s. 


 George’s later Mullard QSL card.




GWC Radio Club shack in the early-1960s: L-R: David Guest (later GM3TFY), John Hughes GM3LCP, Mike Senior GM3PAK, George Millar GM3UM, Tom Simpson GM3BCD.
As a former pupil of George Watson’s College, George helped with the school radio club which was run by teachers Tom Simpson GM3BCD and John Hughes GM3LCP. In the 1960s they had a world-class 150W AM station with an Eddystone 750 receiver and a cubical quad antenna, with which they worked  DX, including Australia and the Congo, at lunchtimes. More than 40 pupils gained their transmitting licences through their efforts.
GWC shack in late-1950s: L-R: Mike Senior (later GM3PAK); unidentified; Vic Muir; George Millar GM3UM. 
                       Edinburgh Evening News article about GWC Radio Club, featuring George Millar GM3UM.
                                              Interesting letter from GM3UM to G2HLU in 1993.
This letter was included in a large box of QSL cards received by GM3UM, many of which have been scanned and added to the QSL Cards section of this site. 
                         George was visited in his care home in August 2014 by Brian GM8BJF and Alan GM3PSP.
                                                   Photo of George from his funeral order of service.
George’s funeral was held at Warriston Crematorium on 17th May 2016. It was attended by LRS members / former members Jack Smith GM1CQC, Ian Pryde GM3LGU, Vic Stewart GM3OWU, Alan Masson GM3PSP, Peter Dick GM4DTH and Brian Flynn GM8BJF.
                                                 Click for Scotsman obituary.
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