The LRS Spring Surplus Equipment Sale was held on 6th April 2016 at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone. There was an excellent turn-out of 33 for what proved to be an entertaining evening with lots of quality items for sale at very reasonable prices. (We never use the word ‘cheap’)! The sellers auctioned their own items and the club took 10% from the sales. There was also the usual raffle for interesting “bottles” afterwards.
Malcolm GM3TAL, Bernie GM4WZG inspecting the loot before the sale.
Bob GM4CMI, Colin GM4HWO, Melvyn GM4HYR, Mike GM8KCS
Ian GM3VEI, Dave GM6KGZ, Bill …
Committee members Andy MM0FMF, Pete GM4BYF, Peter GM4DTH
Pete GM4BYF with a multimeter for sale.
Brian GM8BJF had lots of reels of hook-up wire which went for good prices.
And of course a Lothians sale wouldn’t be complete without Brian having at least one scope for sale!
Norrie GM1CNH had a rotating base for sale.
Ian GM3VEI (from Dunbar) with a car GPS unit.
Bernie GM4WZG with a Silent Key item – a homebrew ATU.
Another Silent Key item was a nicely-constructed valve 2m crystal-controlled transmitter from the 1960s.
El Presidente Andy MM0FMF used the church font for support as he supervised the sale.
Malcolm GM3TAL had a number of PCB-etching chemicals to dispose of “at your own risk”!
Also a J-Beam 4-element cubical quad for 2 meters.
Andre GM3VLB looks intrigued as Melvyn GM4HYR sells a small portable refrigerator.
Melvyn GM4HYR with a heavy-duty American mobile antenna mount.
Bob GM4CMI had several outside light units.
Andre GM3VLB (from Kelso) with a bag of real “bottles” (not the ones with liquid in them)!
Ken Henderson GM4AOR had a number of computer cables and accessories.
Allen Henderson MM3ZEU (son of Ken).
Treasurer Peter GM4DTH kept the books and guarded the raffle prizes until the end of the evening.
The first raffle ticket was drawn by Andre GM3VLB.
This cheery winner is Michael Flynn MM6MWF (son of Brian GM8BJF).