1998-99 Summary




President                               Peter Bates GM4BYF

Hon. Sec / Treas                  Brian Howie GM4DIJ

Committee:                            Norman Stewart GM1CNH

Charlie Cowper GM0OYV

                                                Tom Main GM4DCL

Mr. J. Freeland MM1CMU

Mike Brunsdon GM8KCS

 Peter Dick GM4DTH

Hon Auditor                           George P. Millar, GM3UM

BUZZ Newsletter Editor      Norman Stewart GM1CNH


MEMBERSHIP: LRS Membership List 1998-99 – see below p.2.

     Annual Subscription: Senior: 10.00; Junior: 5.00


MEETINGS:  Held at 7:30 pm at the Orwell Lodge Hotel

Jun/Jul 1998 (??) Snooker Evening (?)

Sep 9 1998 (18) President’s Address, by Peter Bates GM4BYF

Sep 23 1998 (16) The Dayton Hamfest (sic) 1998 by Tommy Menzies GM1GEQ

Oct 14 1998 Outside Visit to GEC-Marconi (Members only)

Oct 28 1998 (??) Junk Sale, at St. Fillan’s Church Hall

Nov 11 1998 (19) “Slide Show” Photographs & Reminiscences

Nov 14 1998 (??) Dinner at Bangalore Tandoori Restaurant

Nov 25 1998 (18) Mini-Talks

Dec 9 1998 (21) From Bell to BT – a History of the Telephone, Sandy Ness (n/c)

Jan 13 1999 (16) A Double Bill, by Laurence Calder GM1BKF

Jan 27 1999 (20) Noise, Noise Figures & Link Budgets, by Brian Howie GM4DIJ

Feb 10 1999 (20) Charles Wheatstone – No Mere Bridgebuilder,

by Geoff Walsh GM4FH

Feb 24 1999 (24) Communication by Laser, by Jim Hatton GM4RJX

Mar 10 1999 (??) Aviation Communication  

Mar 24 1999 (??) Superior Surplus Sale, at St. Fillan’s Church Hall

Apr 14 1999 (14) The Lothians Challenge 1999, by Norrie Stewart GM1CNH

Apr 28 1999 (??) Outside Visit – R.Y. “Britannia”

May 12 1999 (13) D/F Set Tune-Up / Rig Check

May 26 1997 (?) D/F Hunt

Jun 9 1999 (27) Annual General Meeting;

Jun 23 1999  Social Evening – Barbecue at QTH of Peter Bates GM4BYF



BUZZ Newsletter: 4-Autumn 1998; 5-Winter 1998; 6-Summer 1999;



Oct 14 1998 Outside Visit to GEC-Marconi (Members only)

Apr 28 1999 (??) Outside Visit – R.Y. “Britannia”

May 26 1997 (?) D/F Hunt

Jul-Sep: Summer Activity Sessions, encouraging use of new bands & modes

VHF NFD from Hardens Hill nr Duns. and also active on HF.


Summary -1998-99, Ver.3, by Alan J. Masson GM3PSP 21-12-2009

Sources: LRS Minute book 1986-2004; LRS Attendance Book 1993-99

LRS Membership Lists 1997-98 / 1998-99 / 1999-2000




P.J. Bates                  GM4BYF

D. Begg                      GM3XYJ

M.W. Brundsdon      GM8KCS

A.M.G.S. Bryson      GM6ZQQ

L. Calder                    GM1BKF

G. Campbell              GM3HNE

W.R. Cook                 GM3MLW

C.N.L. Cowper          GM0OYV

A. Dalziel                   GM4FGD

P.J. Dick                    GM4DTH

W.J.H. Eaton            GM3KIG

Dr. B.W. Flynn         GM8BJF

J. Freeland                MM1CMU

A.R.B. Gordon          GM6RXQ

C. Gregan                  MM1ALV

W. Heggie                 GM3NHW

J.B. Howie                 GM4DIJ

W.F. Hunter              GM3HUN

A. Kerr                        GM3KBP

T.G. Main                  GM4DCL

C.H.C. Matthews      G9RES          Hon. Member

S. McGregor              GM4ZOA

T.W.G. Menzies       GM1GEQ

G.P. Millar                 GM3UM         Hon. Member

C. Munro                   2M1HHS

A. Pryde                     2M1FOQ

R. Richardson          GM3AKM

P.R. Ritchie              GM3OYV

J.A. Robertson         GM7REG

D. Saunders             GM7RBW

N. Spencer                GM0EWJ

N. Stewart                  GM1CNH

V.W. Stewart             GM3OWU

J. Stewart                  MM5AEV

D.D. Stobie                GM3HOQ

W. Tait                        MM0BHY

G. Walsh                   GM4FH

J. McPhee                 –


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