1989-90 Summary




President                               Mel Evans GM6JAG

Hon. Sec / Treas                  Peter Dick GM4DTH

Committee:                            Tom Main GM4DCL

                                                Vic Stewart GM3OWU

                                                Dr. Brian Flynn GM8BJF

                                                Mr. R. Carruthers

                                                J. Brian Howie GM4DIJ

                                               Peter Bates GM4BYH

Hon Auditor                           George P. Millar, GM3UM

LRA Newsletter Editor             Mel Evans GM6JAG

RSGB Region 13 Rep              Drew Givens GM3YOR

RSGB Lothians Area Rep        Jack McVicar GM8GEC    


MEMBERSHIP:  Annual Subscription: Senior: £5.00; Junior: £2.50


MEETINGS:  Held at 7:30 pm at the Orwell Lodge Hotel.

Sep 13 1989 (15) President’s Address, by Mel Evans GM6JAG

Sep 27 1989 (18) QRP

Oct 11 1989 (11) Call My Bluff

Oct 25 1989 (17) (Women in Radio, by Kay Bates GM6KAY

Nov 8 1989    (26) Junk Sale

Nov 22 1989 (11) A Coarse Mode? – An Alternative Look at Morse,


Feb 14 1990 (16) ?

Feb 28 1990 (11) The RSGB, Past, Present & Future”, by Ian Suart GM4AUP

                                    and Tommy Menzies GM1GEQ 

Mar 14 1990 (34) Open Night

Mar 28 1990 (35) Junk Sale

Apr 11 1990 (14) National Awards, by Sam Hall GM2AOL

Apr 25, 1990 (18) Construction Competition & D/F Tune-Up

May 9 1990   (12) Home Construction, by Alf Lowe GM4VZP

Jun 13 1990  (15) Annual General Meeting







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