17 Oct 2015 – GB0BSS – JOTA – Jamboree on the Air – Bonaly Scout Camp – John Cooke GM8OTI & Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL

John GM8OTI and Malcolm GM3TAL.

LRS club members John Cooke GM8OTI and Malcolm GM3TAL operated radio station GB0BSS for the 57th Jamboree on the Air on behalf of local Scout groups at the Bonaly Scout Camp Site on Saturday 17th October 2015.


 Malcolm GM3TAL operating as a group of scouts watch. 

Nearly 20 contacts were made, many with other Scout groups who had scouts wishing to exchange greetings. The contacts were mostly around Europe and in the UK, but a JOTA station in the USA was also contacted, and a station in Japan heard during setting up. The majority of contacts were on 20m, with a few on 40m. The equipment used was Malcolm’s home rig and PA set up in the barn.

The antennas were inverted V dipoles on a 12m Spiderbeam pole at the edge of the field.

Omnidirectional satellite antennas were also set up to listen for amateur contacts on satellites using 2m and 70cm. Stations from Sweden, Spain and Denmark were heard.

Malcolm GM3TAL is a Scout leader for his local troop in Fife and was wearing his uniform.

Click for SHORT VIDEO shot by the scouts.

This will also give access to YouTube videos of other JOTA stations. 

Report by John GM8OTI. Photos provided by the 60th (Buckstone) Scouts


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