GM3HAM/P Wins Cockenzie Quaich in VHF NFD 2015


The Lothians Radio Society GM3HAM/P, operating from our usual site near Gatehouse of Fleet in Dumfries & Galloway, was the leading station in Scotland and 2nd place overall in the Restricted section of VHF NFD 2015, winning the Cockenzie Quaich. (Photo taken on a previous occasion when we won it)! 

In addition we were 1st on 50MHz, 1st on 70MHz and 2nd on 144MHz, winning certificates for these bands.


50MHz  83   29,847  9H5MC  JM76cb  2515

70MHz  80   23,585  G5LK/P JO01qd    556

144MHz 161 51,470  F4HJC/P              808

432MHz  42 13,053  G5LK/P JO01qd    556 

Click for Full Report with Photos.

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