18 Aug 2015 – 24GHz GM-GW QSO by Brian Flynn GM8BJF

Congratulations to LRS member Brian Flynn GM8BJF who has just achieved his first QSO on 24GHz from Scotland to Wales. Report by Brian:

Yesterday Alan GM0USI and I went to Gatehouse of Fleet (IO74WV) and had contacts on 24 GHz with Tony G(W)4CBW in IO83HH near Prestatyn. Signals were 59 each way and we ended up working on FM. There appeared to be some type of “lift” on as we were able hear each other on open waveguide. Distance is 181 km.

We started off on 10 GHz to align the dishes and noticed that the signals there were very strong. On changing to 24 GHz Tony was immediately heard on SSB and I jumped in and worked him. We were both running about 1 W. I had my BSB dish and Alan had a 60 cm Gibartini Sat-tv offset. There are video and Pics taken by Alan on Dropbox at:


The Wx at GoF was very pleasant yesterday and it was possible to see dark layers over the Irish Sea that looked like ducts. It was the best Wx I have experienced there for years! 73s, Brian. GM8BJF.

NOTE: sounds like Brian could be a very valuable member of any microwave group, with his ability to SEE ducts! – psp.

Brian added that he had believed that this was the first ever GM-GW QSO on 24GHz. It was certainly not listed. Later it turned out that such a QSO had been made around 2000 but had not been officially claimed.

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