24 June 2015 – LRS Summer Barbecue


The Summer Barbecue of the Lothians Radio Society was held on 24th June at the QTH of Pete GM4BYF and Kay GM6KAY at Fairmilehead on the south side of Edinburgh. 17 LRS members and guests attended. The weather did permit some activity out of doors, but not for very long. Pete and Kay put on their usual excellent spread of barbecue food, including by the steaks which were brought by David GM4ZNX – tnx! 

Photos by John GM8OTI, Melvyn GM4HYR and Alan GM3PSP.


Host Pete GM4BYF was busy on the grill, watched by SWL Roger and David GM4ZNX

(or maybe they were deep in technical discussion). 


Yes, please smile for the camera, Pete!


Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF, Robin GM4YPL and Chris GM4YLN.


Bob GM4CMI, Peter GM4DTH & Colin GM4HWO.


Watched by Chris GM4YLN, Pete provided a brief technical interlude, showing his 24GHz waveguide units.

A very nice dish for Pete’s 24GHz station


The two 24GHz waveguides are fitted to the send-receive switch on the rear of the dish, where they will provide separate feeds to the Transmit- and Receive boards.


Close-up of the manual send-receive waveguide switch.

Pete said he would have to remember to switch it over manually each time!


The rest of the 24GHz equipment ready for assembly. The transmit and receive boards are ex-mobile phone equipment, used for back-links from mobile phone towers to the exchange, and are available on eBay.


Meanwhile, indoors some people were getting on with the grub: 

Melvym GM4HYR and Peter GM4DTH.


And out in the Bates’ nice sun-room others were having a relaxing meal.

Liz XYL-GM4YPL, Bob GM4CMI, John GM8OTI, Kath XYL-Roger and Marwyn XYL-GM8OTI.


 It didn’t take long for the grub to disappear!  


Peter GM4DTH (who just discovered he had forgotten the ketchup) and Mike MM0MLB,

our new Secretary, replacing Alan GM3PSP.


David GM4ZNX and SWL Roger (who is working on a light-beam communication project).


The big moment of the evening was the presentation of the LRS Direction-Finding Trophy by Peter “Mr Fox” GM4DTH to the 2015 winner, Melvyn GM4HYR.  


Melvyn showing the LRS D/F Trophy. This is a beautiful Edinburgh Crystal paper-weight containing a model of Edinburgh Castle. It was donated to the club by the estate of GM0OYV-SK.


Not a presentation, but Mike MM0MLB and Pete GM4BYF admiring the other LRS trophy donated by the estate of GM0OYV-SK – the LRS Osprey Trophy, which was awarded to the winner of the Lothians Challenge.


The beautiful Edinburgh Crystal plate – the Osprey Trophy, which has not been awarded for a number of years. The Committee will be discussing whether to run the Lothians Challenge again, or to award this trophy for a different event.