25 June 2014 – LRS Summer Barbecue


When LRS members and guests started arriving at 7:30pm, host Pete Bates GM4BYF was already busy with two grills, cooking pork steaks, hamburgers and sausages. XYL Kay GM6KAY had a great choice of salads and desserts ready indoors.  

The Lothians Radio Society annual Summer Barbecue was held on Wednesday 25th June 2014 at the QTH of Pete GM4BYF and Kay Bates GM6KAY with 29 members and guests attending. The weather was kind to us and the midges were fewer and appeared  later in the evening than last year! Among our guests we were very pleased to welcome top Swedish DXer Mats SM7DXQ and his XYL Birgitta from Malmo, and LRS member Vic JA5VQ / MM0JVQ who had just arrived back in Edinburgh for his annual summer visit.


 Bernie GM4WZG, Mats SM7DXQ & XYL Birgitta


Paul GM4UPN, Briain GM8PKL, Vic GM3OWU, Tommy GM4DCL & Peter GM4DTH.


 John GM4XZN & XYL Betty; Kathleen Hill; Bernie GM4WZG.


 Mats SM7DXQ and Vic JA5VQ / MM0JVQ no doubt discussing their recent DX activities.

Mats and XYL Birgitta were on their way to the IOTA 50th Anniversary celebration in London.  


 Pete GM4BYF and Brian GM4DIJ with the makings of a new amplifier for 6m.


 Tommy GM4DCL, Mike GM8KCS & XYL Liz and Kay GM6KAY.


Andre GM3VLB, Alan GM3PSP, Tommy GM4DCL & Bernie GM4WZG.


 Vic GM3OWU, Brian GM8BJF, Mats SM7DXQ & XYL Birgitta, Alan GM3PSP.



Mike GM8KCS & Peter GM4DTH beside Pete’s long yagis for 2m, 70cm & 23cm

with which he has much success in RSGB Activity Periods working down the UK. 


 Pete GM4BYF wearing a very fetchng face-net given to him as protection against midges by Briain GM8PKL remembering last year’s BBQ when we had to take shelter indoors from the little so and so’s.


 Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF, Brian GM4DIJ, Peter GM4DTH, Malcolm GM3TAL & Mike GM8KCS.


Bob GM4CMI, John GM4XZN & XYL Betty, Vic GM3OWU, Dr. Roger Hill, John GM8OTI. 


Kathleen Hill, Birgitta Freden, Tommy GM4DCL, Bernie GM4WZG, Marwyn Cooke, Anna McIntosh.


Andre GM3VLB, Tommy GM4DCL, Mats SM7DXQ & Bernie GM4WZG.


 Mike GM8KCS, Peter GM4DTH & Brian GM8BJF


 Some strange intruder at the window!


 Malcolm in a sandwich of Vics:

Vic JA5VQ / MM0JVQ, Malcolm GM3TAL, Vic GM3OWU.


 Three Brians: Brian Howie GM4DIJ, Briain Wilson GM8PKL & Brian Flynn GM8BJF.


 Colin GM4HWO & Robin GM4YPL.


 Our gracious hosts Pete GM4BYF & Kay GM6KAY.

Many thanks to you both from all who enjoyed the 2014 LRS barbecue! 


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