2-4 May 2014 – Microwave Trophy – Gatehouse of Fleet

The Lothians Radio Society again participated in the RSGB Microwave Trophy Contest on 3-4 May 2014 from our usual site in the hills near Gatehouse of Fleet in Kirkcudbrightshire. We were equipped for all bands from 432MHz to 24GHz. On the Sunday the Wx deteriorated, turning the field into a quagmire (in the fog) and we closed down early p.m.

Claimed Scores:


432MHz   GM3HAM/P    100W        22          6468         PA6NL            635

1.3GHz    GM3HAM/P      30W        11          3214       M1CRO/P         494    

2.3GHz    GM4BYF/P     120W         3            813         G0OHM           313 

10GHz     GM3HAM/P      18W         2           1572         G3Z                287    


We had been warned that there would be “coos in the field”, and they soon appeared.



An inquisitive lot, but fortunately not aggressive!


Although we were worried they might trample the tents.


However, a demonstration of their ballet-dancing skills by some of our operators soon drove the coos off!


Having pitched the tents, it was off to the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse for the 1st night banquet. 

L-R: Pete GM4BYF, Alan GM3PSP, Brian GM8BJF, Peter GM4DTH, Robin GM4YPL, Chris MM0ZCT, Mike GM4IGS.


 Followed by a (purely academic) malt whisky tasting in the events tent.


Peter GM4DTH and Mike GM4IGS.


Brian GM8BJF


Andy MM0FMF (well-equipped to find his way back to his tent in the dark)


Still-life with 807s


In the morning our first challenge was to start the generator, which had never failed before.

After a thorough troubleshooting exercise led by Andy MM0FMF, the blocked carburettor jet was cleared. 


Before long the aerials were up – a 2m yagi for talk-back, yagis for 70cm and 23cm,

and several dishes, covering all the microwave bands up to 24GHz 


Large dish of GM4BYF (L) for the lower microwave bands

and the two dishes of GM8BJF (R) for 10GHz & 24GHz..


 Brian points out some of the intricacies of his 24GHz transverter to Peter GM4DTH & Andy MM0FMF


 Brian GM8BJF setting up his 10GHz dish using a QRPP beacon placed on a wall on the edge of the field.


“That’s a fine horn you’ve got there, Pete. Yes, it certainly is, Brian”.


 Pete takes a compass bearing on Brian’s beacon Tx.


Pete GM4BYF getting his act together with help from Brian and Mike.


Chris MM0ZCT operating the 70cm / 23cm station. 


 L-R: Pete GM4BYF, Robin GM4YPL, Chris MM0ZCT, & Peter GM4DTH.


 And there was even time for Andy MM0FMF to work some of his SOTA friends on HF.

 Andy is SOTA-equipped for all bands from DC to light with equipment contained in this one rucsack.



On the Sunday morning, things were not so bright … and they got worse!


The fog / cloud got thicker …


 … and the rain started to pour, turning the site into a quagmire.


So at about lunchtime the decision was taken to close down the equipment and pack up the tents.


The large Events Tent was very muddy and it took some work by Pete GM4BYF and Alan GM3PSP in the days after the contest to get it clean and dry again.

L-R: Alan GM3PSP, Peter GM4DTH, Brian GM8BJF, Pete GM4BYF, Mike GM4IGS, Andy MM0FMF.


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