9 April 2014 – Spring Surplus Equipment Sale

The LRS Spring Surplus Equipment Sale was held on Wednesday 9th April 2014 at St Fillan’s Church in Buckstone Drive by kind arrangement of LRS member Pete Bates GM4BYF. There was a good turnout of members of the LRS and other local clubs to bid for an assortment of radio and computer gear and test equipment including function generators and oscilloscopes. A raffle was held by Treasurer Peter GM4DTH for various “bottles”.  



Pete GM4BYF examines some of the larger items, including a lot of test gear.


Oscilloscopes, function generators, etc.


This fine old broadcast receiver was a TRF circuit, possibly from the 1920s


Brian GM8BJF (who brought many of the items) assures David GM4ZNX that it’s all good stuff!


The sale was introduced by LRS President Andy MM0FMF.

He explained that the items would be auctioned by those who brought them.


All ready for the “go”.


Brian GM8BJF, who brought many of the items of test gear, made a start with a nice-looking oscilloscope.


Brian was very excited by this function generator.


… and even more excited when he sold it.


Pete GM4BYF invited suggestions for uses for this special lamp.


Mike MM0MLB sold an almost unused photo scanner.


The raffle prizes. “I thought you said there would be some 807s?”!


Andy MM0FMF draws one of the raffle tickets, watched by Treasurer Peter GM4DTH. 


After another very successful sale – Pete GM4BYF, Andy MM0FMF and Peter GM4DTH.

Thanks to all who brought items for sale and especially those who made donations of the proceeds to the LRS. 


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