These are scans of the QSL cards of LRS members from the earliest days of the club.
Also included are other local Amateurs who may not have been LRS members.
Some biographical details have been added where available.
Feel free to send in your QSL card and photo or those of any other amateurs not already included.
GM0AXY – Ken Dons
Originally from Norway (LA6EF), Ken Dons GM0AXY is a very keen DXer (DXCC Honor Roll)
as is his XYL Christine GM4YMM (see below)
Bob Rutherford GM0FAL (SK – 2016) was a member of the LRS for a number of years.
Charlie GM0OYV at LRS Junk Sale.
Charlie Cowper GM0OYV (SK 25/8/98) donated funds from his estate to the LRS for two trophies:
the Osprey Trophy for the Lothians Challenge and the Edinburgh Castle paperweight D/F Trophy.
GM0UHC Ian Ropper
Ian Ropper GM0UHC is an enthusiastic restorer of vintage military equipment.
He talked about the R-1155 and T-1154 at an LRS meeting.
Ian Ropper’s first callsign was GM8LWR.
Lawrence Calder GM1BKF (SK – 24 Nov 2013).
Although living in Fife, Jimmy Taylor was a member of the LRS.
Jimmy Taylor GM2DBX shack photograph
Ken GM3AEI at NFD in 1955.
Ken Senior GM3AEI was a leading light of the LRS in the 1950s, President in 1954-55. SK 22 Jan 1980.
His son Mike GM3PAK and XYL Marion GM1DCB now live on Islay. (No QSLs!)
Their son Neil is GM1ZOX and their daughter Joan now holds her grandfather’s call GM3AEI.
Dick Richardson wss one of the longest serving members of the LRS.
Dick was an active member of RAIBC – Radio Amateur Invalid and Blind Club,
in particular helping severely-disabled amateur Peter O’Dell GM3MUM.
Dick was made an Honorary Member of the LRS. Read GM3AKM-SK (Aug 2014)
Dick GM3AKM in 2012
Born in Edinburgh, Tom Douglas became Engineer in Charge of the BBC TV Tx at Sutton Coldfield.
As G3BA he was the RSGB VHF Manager for a number of years and a successful VHF contest operator,
being the original user of the portable site near Gatehouse of Fleet now used by the LRS – GM3HAM/P.
Photo taken at Scottish VHF Convention 1969. SK Sept 1994:
Mike Dormer G3DAH, Jack Wilson GM6XI, Syd Rowden GM6SR, Tom Douglas G3BA.
Not exactly a QSL card but the light plane flown by Fryer Tuck GM3BBW with the appropriate registration number!
Sadly, he was killed when the plane crashed.
Fryer Tuck GM3BBW at NFD in 1955.
BBW = “Big Bad Wolf” or “Beer is Better than Whisky”!
Tom Simpson GM3BCD was secretary of the LRS around 1960.
Licenced just after WWII, Tom was likely in the Royal Signals during the war
as he was a member of the RSARS and operated for them in NFD 1968.
SWL QSL card of Tom Simpson in the 1930s, before he was licensed as GM3BCD post-war.
Tom GM3BCD in 1958
A teacher of Technical Subjects at George Watson’s College in the 1950s & 60s, Tom built a first-class 150W AM station including a cubical quad on the school roof and worked DX at lunch time as one of the radio club’s activities. In collaboration with fellow-teacher, John Hughes GM3LCP, he was responsible for more than 40 pupils getting their Amateur licences..
Tom died in October 2014. Read GM3BCD-SK.
Sandy GM3BCL was a well-known Aberdeen amateur.
The Rev Walter Ferrier GM3BDA (“Bachelor of Divinity – Airdrie”) operated VHF from St Andrew’s Manse in North Berwick. He built a receiver called “WHAM” for the BBC Rosemarkie TV Tx (not normally audible) which rang a bell when an auroral signal was received – “Walter’s Homemade Auroral Monitor”!
Rev Walter Ferrier GM3BDA
Jim McCaig GM3BQA owned the Forth Motor Company in Cockenzie, East Lothian. SK – 2006.
He invented, patented, manufactured and sold the well-known GM3BQA cubical quad HF antennas.
One of his other hobbies was racing his Mini-Cooper at Ingleston!
GM3BQA QTH at North Berwick with lots of HF beams.
But not sure if there is a cubical quad!
Arthur Grainger was a very active member of the LRS in the 1950s and 60s. SK
There is a whole folder devoted to his archives on this site. (Click on).
He used the phonetics “Britain’s Queerest Object” for his callsign!
Jim Priddy was a keen mobile operator in the 1960s with beautiful home-brew equipment.
SK – 23 Jan 2016.
George Brown GM3DHD-SK (“David-Henry-David”) was the owner of Brown’s Wireless in George IV Bridge, where generations of schoolboys spent their pocket money on radio components.
Jim was a keen CW operator in the Edinburgh area.
Colourful QSL card of John Gorrie GM3DVX.
One of Tom’s earlier QSLs. Year not shown!
Tom GM3DXJ in about 1969. He worked for Ferranti’s.
Originally from Edinburgh, Fraser Shepherd GM3EGW lived in Dunfermline where he was a state-of-the-art VHF operator. As a former-pupil He supported the Radio Club at George Watson’s College. Sadly, he became an SK at the early age of 45 in 1970.
Fraser operated portable in 2m contests from a variety of sites in Fife and elsewhere.
He used the phonetics “Extra Good Whisky” for his callsign!
Fraser Shepherd GM3EGW operating moonbounce in 1965 using a parabolic dish built by Harry Mackie GM3FYB and the Dunfermline club..
Ian Mackenzie was President of the LRS in the 1950s. SK
Jim “Nick” Nicholson GM3FJP operated in India for many years as VU2JP before retiring to Edinburgh. He was active in running the Radio Club at his alma mater, Daniel Stewart’s College
Harry Mackie GM3FYB of Dunfermline was a very active VHF and microwave operator.
He built a large parabolic dish from Dexion for 432MHz (moonbounce) in 1965.
QSL from GM3GIG from a location near one of his Hydro-Electric projects in the 1950s
QSL used by GM3GIG from his home QTH in Craiglockhart, Edinburgh
GM3GIG died on 19 July 2015 at the age of 94. See: GM3GIG-SK
Alex GM3GUI was a keen VHF operator in the 1950s & 60s.
Special LRS club QSL card for contacts made from the Hobbies & Handcrafts Exhibitions
in the Waverly Market in the 1950s and 60s.
Edinburgh Lord Provost Sir James Miller at the mic of GM3HAM/P
at the Hobbies & Handicrafts Exhibition in the Waverley Market.
LRS QSL Manager Pete GM4BYF has produced a number of nice QSL cards for specific contests.
Glen Campbell GM3HNE was an LRS member and early D/F hunt enthusiast. Silent Key 27 Mar 2019.
GM3HNE at an LRS Surplus Equipment Sale in 2014.
Dave Stobie GM3HOQ was a keen member of the LRS in the 1950s & 60s.
He appears in several NFD photos in the LRS Archives,
e.g. 2nd Right in white shirt in 1st photo of NFD 1955 (click).
Bill Hunter was keen CW DXer. Silent Key 2016.
Andy Lawrence GM3IQL was a keen RTTY contester in the Creed 7B mechanical days!
Dave GM3IWU (Motherwell) was an RSGB GB2RS newsreader on 3.60MHz in the 1960s.
A rare portrait-format QSL card.
John Bain used to travel up to LRS meetings from Reston on the Berwickshire coast
where he worked in the fishing industry. SK 2009.
Michael Darke spent a number of years in the USA, returning with a pronounced American accent!
Bill Eaton was president of the LRS in the 1961-62 and a keen NFD operator
– see photographs of him in the Archives – NFD folder (bottom). SK Jan. 2013.
Bill Eaton GM3KIG in 2010 at the Cockenzie Mini-Rally. (SK Jan 2013).
Alf Coutts GM3KPD was a merchant navy radio operator before retiring.
He was active on HF CW and VHF. SK about 2009.
Later QSL card of GM3KPD.
Alf Coutts GM3KPD
Alan now lives at Upper Gumtree, Mid Wiltshire
John Hughes GM3LCP was President of the LRS in the 1960s.
As a physics teacher at George Watson’s College John provided RAE training for members of the school radio club and, in collaboration with his teacher colleague Tom Simpson GM3BCD, was responsible for a very large number of pupils gaining their Amateur Radio licences. SK
After a number of years in Glasgow, John GM3LCP retired to Broughty Ferry near Dundee.
John Hughes GM3LCP, OBE in 1997 (SK ~2000).
John was awarded his OBE for services to teacher training in Scotland.
Now living in Dunoon, Ian Pryde was a President of the LRS in the 1960s.
He is an enthusiastic constructor of amateur equipment.
Ian Pryde GM3LGU.
George Douglas GM3NIO was the first amateur signal heard by your editor
(on 40m AM on the family broadcast receiver). SK – 1980.
Walt, Now G3NYY, has lived in Tewkesbury for many years.
Dr. Bruce Taylor GM3NZI. In 1969 he moved to Switzerland to work at CERN,
Centre European de Recherches Nucleaires. He now holds the call HB9ANY.
See his HB9ANY entry for many interesting photos.
GM3OIB – Keith Younger, Pathhead, Midlothian.
GM3OLQ was the radio club callsign at Daniel Stewart’s College in Edinburgh,
where a number of the pupils gained their Amateur Radio licences.
The club was run for a number of years by Jim “Nick” Nicholson GM3FJP / VU2JP.
Yeo Siew Lim (David), from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, joined the LRS in the late 1950s when attending school in Edinburgh. He then studied Chemistry at Edinburgh University. He returned to Malaysia as 9M2BB to work as a food technologist and retired to Australia where he is now VK3FHU at Fort Waverley, near Melbourne, where he has been visited by Mike GM3PAK and Alan GM3PSP.
David Yeo GM3OOI about 1968 David Yeo VK3FHU (Melbourne) 2019
Tom Spears, a lecturer at Murray House teacher training college, was LRS President in the mid-1960s.
Tom Spiers GM3OWI in 1969
Vic Stewart is a very long-standing member of the LRS and also of the Lothians RAYNET Group,
in which he was the Controller for many years. He is the current Auditor of the LRS.
Vic Stewart GM3OWU in 2007.
George Burt GM3OXX was a skilled constructor of QRP equipment including microwave, which he operated from many remote locations. SK-2017. He was honoured as an outstanding member of the G-QRP Club.
George GM3OXX in 2010. SK – 20 Sept 2017.
Ian has lived in the USA for many years, where he started his own electronics company.
George, now G3PLY, has lived in Sunningdale, near Ascot for many years.
John Kelly GM3POK was a member of the George Watson’s College Radio Club and subsequently worked at Hewlett-Packard in South Queensferry. Several of his QSL cards feature the Forth bridges. He moved to the USA and has lived in Sunnyvale CA for many years where he is active on HF DX as KG6XF.
Mike GM3PPE now lives in Kelso.
APOLOGY – the photo that was shown here was incorrect and will be replaced by a correct one coming from a relative of Sandy’s.
Sandy Lawrie GM3PQU was one of the first SSB operators in Edinburgh and gave several talks to the LRS in the 1960s about the construction of SSB rigs. He is now living in Longniddry, East Lothian.
Alan GM3PSP in 2017
Alan Masson GM3PSP has been a member of the LRS since 1960 (with a small gap of 40 years from 1969 to 2009 when he lived in England and the USA!). He worked in the Kodak Motion Picture Division for 20 years, ending up in Hollywood CA and still holds the call K6PSP.
Peter Bigam GM3SBS was also a member of the Daniel Stewart’s College Radio Club.
Roy Tatton GM3SRV was also a member of the Daniel Stewart’s College Radio Club.
Great callsign!
Rod Paton GM3SZP attended school in Edinburgh in the 1960s and attended LRS meetings. After a career in electric power management based in Glasgow, he returned to his native Carlisle as G3SZP.
His son Colin Paton has held the call GM7GIB. Rod – Silent key 7 October 2016.
Deluxe QSL from Malcolm GM3TAL (Dunfermline) who has supported the LRS for many years.
David Guest GM3TFY was a very active 2m Aurora operator in the 1960s.
Ian Buffham G3TMA is now listed as living in Thailand.
Sandy G3TSZ has lived in Wilmslow, Cheshire for many years.
Alister Mitchell GM3UDL organized several Field Days for the LRS in the 1960s.
He moved to Glasgow to work for the BBC. SK Dec. 2012.
Douglas was a buddy of Alister GM3UDL at school and on the air.
“Tweedle-dum or Tweedle-dee, is it UDL or UDT”?!
George Millar GM3UM was the 1st Secretary and 2nd President of the LRS and one of its longest-serving members. He was awarded Life Membership for his many years as Club Auditor. In his heyday he was a crack CW contest operator and member of the RNARS. Silent Key June 2016.
George GM3UM in 1955 2014
SK – 20 Feb 1993.
Ian Sheffield GM3VEI in 2009, after moving to Dunbar.
Sadly he became a Silent Key on 26 January 2024.
André Saunders started his ham life as 5Z4KL in Nairobi Kenya in the late-1960s where he was a very active DXer.
He later returned to Scotland and operated as GM3VLB from Kelso in the Borders and from islands all round Scotland, including organizing the SCOTIA – SCOTtish Islands Award.
This is believed to be the last photo of André, taken in May 2019 shortly before he became a Silent Key. See also his interesting SK on this website (click).
Tom Craze G3VNN has lived near Winchester for many years.
Robin Newman GM3VZL was a member of the group of LRS portable enthusiasts in the 1960s.
He left Edinburgh to teach physics and is now retired to Oundle near Peterborough.
The Heriot-Watt University had an Amateur Radio Society in the 1960s, greatly supported by Prof. Arthur Bolton GM3BMI (L) who loaned his HF SSB station for operation from the HWU building in the Grassmarket.
See also GB3EIF
Robin Andrew GM3WFJ was active from Kirkmichael in Perthshire. He used the phonetics ‘Willy Fox John’.
SK 2017.
Chris Tran GM3WOJ has been a good friend of the LRS for many years.
Now in Tain, he is a keen DXer and DXpeditioner and hosts several beacons.
Well worth looking at his entry in!
Photo tnx GM3WOJ /
Here’s a bit of history – QSL from 1939. QTH – Cupar, Fife. Member of RNARS.
George G(M)3XPQ was originally from Edinburgh before moving to Shetland and then Yorkshire.
GM3YMX at JOTA-2013.
David Ferguson GM3YMX was a member of the LRS in the 1960s and re-joined after retirement.
Another piece of history – looks like 1938.
Peter Brown GM3YOK in 1967
More history – looks like 1938.
GM3YXJ – Danny Begg, Penicuik, Midlothian. SK- 22 May 2020.
Stephen G3ZTP has lived in Ellesmere, Shropshire for many years.
Robert GM3ZVB, along with Roger GM3ZVL, was a keen portable operator in the 1960s.
He has lived near Portsmouth for many years.
Roger Manners GM3ZVL was a keen portable operator in the late 1960s, along with Roberrt GM3ZVB, both members of the George Watson’s College Radio Club. (see photo in Archive section). Tragically, he became an SK at a very early age in a road accident in 1980.
Peter Slawek GM3ZWO in 1971.
Malcolm J. MacKinnon GM4AJV (SK-2017)
J.R.MOrris GM3ANB is now listed as living in Simi Valley, California.
Ken Henderson GM4AOR at an LRS Surplus Equipment Sale in 2015.
GM4AXG was the club station of the Leith Nautical College Radio Club from 1971 to 1987.
Bruce GM4BDJ was a member of the LRS in the 1960s while a chemistry student at Edinburgh University.
After a career teaching chemistry in the Borders he is now retired to Langholm and active on VHF portable.
George GM4COK was an active member of the LRS in the 1970s & 80s.
This is George’s first SSB station, a Trio TS-510 at Goldenacre.
After a career as a ship’s radio officer he retired to the Philippines in 2003 where he now holds the call DU1GM which actually stands for George and Mayet, his XYL DV1JAZ.
Geoge Szymanski GM4COK / now DU1GM. Here is a short summary of his marine career:
After I left Leith Nautical College I worked on ESSO tankers for Marconi Marine. I had joined Marconi Marine even before I left LNC. They virtually dragged me into their building near the college and made me sign a contract! Not even an interview. They had more than 800 Radio Officers on their books at that time and were still short of staff. When I left to join Cable & Wireless about 20 years later, there were less than 80 Radio Officers left. My first trip, as a trainee, was on a cargo ship which sailed from Liverpool to the Persian Gulf via Durban. We arrived in Iran in summer and delivered currency there. The temperature was around 50C.
– but this is George’s actual DU1GM QSL card. He’s hoping that volcano doesn’t go off again!
Map of DU1GM QTH.
Sadly, George became a Silent Key on 22nd April 2024 at his home in the Philippines. Click for his Silent Key.
Graham Winchester GM4CUX. Photo courtesy
Ray James GM4CXM is an active VHF-UHF operator including aircraft scatter mode. He spoke to the LRS in 2011.
Tommy Main GM4DCL is a partially-sighted LRS member who enjoys SW BC listening as well as Amateur Radio.
He likes his phonetics – Distillers Company Limited !
Brian recently had this QSL card printed in vintage style!
Brian GM4DIJ’s first call was GM8DIJ in Troon. He soon graduated to GM4DIJ living in Edinburgh and very active on 4m, 6m & 3cm including from his caravan near Stranraer. Regular VHF-NFD operator for the LRS GM3HAM/P.
His other hobby, even in retirement, is running!
Peter Dick GM4DTH is a long-standing member of the LRS.
His first call was GM8HHC – see below.
Peter Dick GM4DTH in 2017
He has been the RSGB GB2RS newsreader in Edinburgh on 70MHz, 145MHz and 433MHz for many years.
LRS Treasurer for many years and D/F Hunt “Fox” station.
Tony Squires is now listed as G4DWW, living in Congleton, Cheshire.
No longer listed, GM4FFI was the callsign of the Radio Club at George Heriot’s School.
Can anyone provide information about this club?
Archie Dalziell GM4FGD – SK 11 June 2016.
More history – 1939.
GM4HJQ – David M. Mackenzie, Edinburgh 6
GM4HKH – Bert Hardie, Edinburgh 7.
Mike GM4IGS at VHF NFD 2011.
Mike Chapmen GM4IGS (Troon) has been a guest operator with LRS-GM3HAM/P on 50MHz & 70MHz in VHF NFD for many years.
Andy now lives in Shetland.
QSL from 1946.
Dave GM4JJJ, formerly GM8HEY,was a brilliant moonbounce and microwave operator.
Silent Key 13 March 2019 after a battle with cancer (Click).
Stan Nicholson GM4NC was President of the LRS in the late-1960s. SK.
Christine Dons GM4YMM was originally from Norway, as was her OM, Ken Dons GM0AXY.
They are both very keen HF DXers. Photo tnx GM0AXY website.
Hugh Lawson GM5HL (“Five – Harry Lauder”) lived at Loanhead, Midlothian
and arranged for the use of a farmer’s field there for NFD in the 1950s.
Look for him in various NFD photographs in this archive. SK – 1974.
Ted Ingram GM6IZ was a well-known amateur from Aberdeen who became RSGB President in the 1960s.
Mel Evans GM6JAG was President of the LRS 1988-93.
He retired to Spain. Tnx – Brian GM4DIJ.
David Macadie GM6MD was a well-known old-timer in Glasgow where he ran the RSGB Group..
Syd Rowden GM6SR (“Six-Scottish Radio”) was a very active member of the LRS in the 1940s, 50s & 60s.
Look for him in photographs taken at social events and VHF Conventions in this archive. SK-1977.
Presumably a very old (pre-war?) QSL card (without the “M” for Scotland) of Jack Wilson GM6XI, a prominent founding member of the LRS in the 1940s – 60s. SK ~1970s.
Jack Wilson GM6XI was a member of the FOC – First-Class Operators Club
This QSL card appears on the FOC website area for FOC Historical Member QSLs.
Jack Wilson GM6XI in 1969
Brian GM4DIJ recalls: This was old-timer and VHF man Jimmy Hunter who I knew way back in the 60’s. The QSL card is for my very first QSO (as GM8DIJ in 1980). It was VHF NFD and the Glasgow group were out /P on Ballageich on Eaglesham Moor, south of Glasgow.
Dr. Brian Flynn has been a very active member of the LRS since the 1960s, having held the position of President several times. He is retired from Edinburgh University, Department of Electrical Engineering. He is very interested in microwave work and made the first GM – GD QSO on 3cm, and in 2020 the first GM-GM and GM-G QSOs on 122GHz with Pete GM4BYF.
Chris GM8BKE has been a well-known microwave operator for many years.
Bill Marshall GM8BPL later became GM4IMX. SK April 2013.
Frank Hall GM8BZX – SK.
Murray moved to the London area in the 1970s to work for the BBC.
(Photo taken during visit to QTH of G3PSP in Bushey, Herts).
Howard GM8DUT was also a member of the George Watson’s College Radio Club.
Now listed as G8DUT in Manchester.
Frank Benson GM8EKF – Silent Key 24 April 2018
Graham GM8FFX has been a well-known VHF operator for many years.
Jim “Shank” Shankland GM8FM learned Spanish after a holiday in Spain and subsequently operated in that language on the HF bands. He was also very active in the introduction of FM in VHF operations in Scotland. SK.
Jack GM8GEC in 2017.
Jack McVicar GM8GEC died on 12th May 2021 at the age of 83. He will be remembered well as he was a very active member of the Lothians Radio Society for many years. Jack was Secretary of the LRS in 1974/75 and President for three subsequent years in the late 1970s. He was also the RSGB Representative for the LRS throughout the 1980s and into the early 1990s. Click for Silent Key.
Neil is now G8GFF in Chelmsford, Essex.
More history – looks like late-1930s.
Mike Richardson is now listed as G8IUM in Windsor.
Mike GM8KCS is a long-standing member of the LRS, now living in Buckstone.
Along with his son Mike Jr MM3MDB, Mike is a frequent winner of the LRS D/F Trophy.
Mike’s son Mike Jr MM3MDB & father Walter GM8LVJ (SK-2013) at D/F Hunt in 2010.
More history – 1939.
Tom GM8MJV now lives in PathHead, Midlothian where he operates VHF on meteor-scatter and moonbounce.
Bob GM8NGL later became GM4IKT. (SK).
Dr John Cooke GM8OTI has been an LRS member for many years.
He is a retired physicist from the University of Edinburgh.
Interests – microwaves and SOTA. (Also music & astronomy)!
Click for link to his radio website.
Briain Wilson GM8PKL is also a former member of the George Watson’s College Radio Club.
He now lives on the side of the Braid Hills with a clear view to the north. He has a monitoring station for the 3cm beacon of GM3WOJ in Invergordon. which is audible most of the time.
JOTA station at Bonaly Scout Camp operated by John GM8OTI, Malcolm GM3THI & Alan GM3PSP. in Oct 2013.
Looks like an LRS station for Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) in October 1979.
LRS Exhibition Station for the Edinburgh International Festival in the 1960s,
operated from the Heriot-Watt University building in the Grassmarket.
Special event QSL card for George Watson’s College Radio Club,
normally operated as GM3BCD
Special QSL card for the centenary o George Watson’s College in 1970. The operator was Murray Cooke GM8CWH.
Special Event QSL card for George Watson’s College – looks like 400th anniversary of the Edinburgh Merchant Company, the parent organization of the school.
QSL card for special event station GB3LNC marking the opening of the new LNC campus
at Brunstane in 1978 (formerly in Leith). Tnx Eric Lamb, former LNC staff member.
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) 1974 station operated by Vic GM3OWU of the LRS.
The Lothians Radio Society operated special event station GB8CG during the 1986 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh. The LRS secretary holds a very full case of incoming QSL cards from this event.
IOTA Contest in July 2001.
Vic Imamura JA5VQ / MM0JVQ and his XYL Keiko JG5JUS made many summer visits to Edinburgh and attended LRS meetings until he became Silent Key in January 2017. Click for Silent Key.
MM0MOC station operated by Ken Horne GM3YBQ.
Founded in 1973 by Harry Matthews in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, the Museum of Communication is now located in its own premises in Burntisland, Fife. It is supported by the Lothians Radio Society. In addition to its annual exhibitions from its collection of communication artifacts it also holds regular Goudie Lectures’, in remembrance of the Museum’s greatest benefactor, Dr. George Goudie.
Short – Wave Listeners (SWLs)
SWL QSL card of Alan Masson, later GM3PSP / K6PSP.
SWL QSL Card of John Kelly, later GM3POK, now KG6XF
Not sure about this one!