Annual Barbecue 2013

The 2013 Summer Barbecue of the Lothans Radio Society was held as usual at the Fairmilehead home of LRS members Pete GM4BYF and Kay Bates GM6KAY. The good news was that the weather was excellent with 20 LRS members and 6 invited guests attending; the bad news was that it brought out all the midges in Fairmilehead which soon had everyone running for cover in the house! The food was excellent, including steaks for all, very kindly provided by LRS member David GM4ZNX. Chef Pete, as well as barbecuing the steaks, burgers and hot-dogs, was also celebrating his 67th birthday, for which Kay had baked two cakes, with 6 & 7 candles on them! 


Pete and Kay have a very nice house and garden at Fairmilehead which lend themselves to events such as barbecues.



Colin GM4HWO arrived just in time – on his bike!

Pete was busy cooking the steaks, burgers and hot-dogs on two barbecue grills.


The outside diners, not suspecting that the midges were about to bite!

L-R: John GM4XZN, Malcolm GM3TAL, Betty – XYL GM4XZN, David GM4ZNX,

Vic JA5VQ, XYL Keiko JG5JUS, Sue – XYL GM3TAL Briain GM8PKL


Vic GM3OWO & Briain GM8PKL.


Colin GM4HWO (the cheery one on the left), Paul GM4UPN & Andre GM3VLB.


Chef Pete GM4BYF checking on the customer satisfaction of Robin GM4YPL and XYL Liz.


Kay GM6KAY lighting the two birthday cakes for OM Pete

while Vic GM3OWU looks on.


Pete had no trouble blowing out the candles.

David GM4ZNX stood ready in case more (hot) air was required! 


Kitchen group L-R: David GM4ZNX, XYL Dawn & OM Paul GM4UPN,

Briain GM8PKL, Andre GM3VLB & Melvyn GM4HYR. 


We were very pleased to welcome back Vic JA5VQ / MM0JVQ and

XYL Keiko JG5JUS who will be spending their summer in Edinburgh again. 


Pete and Kay have a very nice sun-room, ideal for when it is not possible to sit outside.

L-R: Kathleen Hill, Malcolm GM3TAL & XYL Sue, Veronica – XYL / GM3VLB. 


Vic GM3OWU, Winnie & Tom Stevenson & Malcolm GM3TAL.


Malcolm GM3TAL & XYL Sue, Veronica – XYL GM3VLB, Peter GM4DTH.


Peter GM4DTH pouring his beer – perfectly!


Melvyn GM4HYR, and Kathleen Hill.


Colin GM4HWO, Vic GM3OWU, Winnie & Tom Stevenson.


Colin attracting a lot of attention from Kay GM6KAY and Veronica – XYL GM3VLB.

Maybe it was those cycling shorts! 



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