8 May 2013 – Direction Finding Contest

Starters: Brian GM8BJF, Pete GM4BYF, Melvyn GM4HYR, Malcolm GM3TAL, Mike MM3MDB, Mike GM8KCS


The annual Lothians D/F Hunt was held on Wednesday 8th June 2013 with Peter Dick GM4DTH providing the hidden or “Fox” station. Five teams started at the Braid Hills Hotel on a nice fine evening. Tone-modulated transmissions were made for 5 minutes with intervals of 5 minutes. Initial bearings on the strong signal were approx North / South. A number of anomalous East – West bearings from other locations added to the fun but eventually the Fox station was determined to be located near the Edinburgh Ski Centre on the side of Caerketton at the end of the Pentland Hills, about two miles south from the start. Then it was quite easy to find, as rather than being tucked away in bushes, as in previous years, the Fox was very visible with its 30 foot vertical aerial up on a grassy knoll several hundred feet above the car park. All that was required was a bit of a hike to get up to it!



   1. (48m)  Mike (Sr) GM8KCS + Mike (Jr) MM3MDB

   2. (1h 11m )  Brian GM4DIJ

   3. (1h 16m)   Brian GM8BJF + Malcolm GM3TAL + Alan GM3PSP

   Retired: Melvyn GM4HYR (defective equipment)

   Retired: Pete GM4BYF (defective equipment)

Fox Station Equipment:

   Yaesu FT70 manpack transceiver + tone modulator

   30 foot helically-wound vertical antenna tuned against a random counterpoise


Pete GM4BYF 


Melvyn GM4HYR & Mike MM3MDB 


Malcolm GM3TAL: “That’s a fine table-tennis aerial you have there, Brian”!


“That’s not all, my hairdresser suggested I put this mirror on the back to check that my hair is straight”!


Mike MM3MDB with the famous Brunsdon D/F set that has won many D/F hunts in the past.  


Mike GM8KCS plotting his first bearing on the OS map.


The scramble up the hill from the Edinburgh Ski Centre car park after the 30ft mast of the Fox station was spotted on a grassy knoll above. Athlete Brian GM4DIJ easily left the others in this group behind!  


Getting closer to the Fox station. The Brunsdons GM8KCS & MM3MDB were up there already.


Brian GM4DIJ, Peter GM4DTH (Fox), Mike (Sr) GM8KCS & Mike (Jr) MM3MDB admire the view.


Peter GM4DTH making one of the last transmissions in the hope that the remaining contestants would locate him. 

Brian GM4DIJ

The Fox station was located just to the east of the Edinburgh Ski Centre.


There was even a comfortable bench to rest on.


Final shot of the Fox with all the successful contestants as the sun sets over Salisbury Crags and Arthur’s Seat.

Now off to the nearby Steading Bar for some well-earned pints!






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