3 Apr 2013 – Spring Surplus Equipment Sale

After some doubts about whether there would be enough equipment to justify a second sale in this club year we found there was lots, and the spring junk sale was inserted into the calendar. Pete GM4BYF arranged the use of St Fillan’s Church on Wednesday 3rd April. There was an excellent turnout of 29 LRS members and friends from other local clubs. The items were, as usual, auctioned by the sellers themselves, with the club taking a 10% commission. This was followed by a raffle for a nice selection of (non-thermionic) bottles.  

A donation of many items of test equipment including these oscilloscopes ensured plenty of items for the sale.



An assortment of handy-talkies, electrical parts etc.


Treasurer Peter GM4DTH contemplates the raffle prizes.


Norrie GM1CNH sold this 2m rubber-duck antenna.


Melvyn GM4HYR sold a number of broadband routers.


Pete GM4BYF – “sold to the gentleman at the back with the funny hat”


Bob GM4CMI – “a very nice antique 1930s voltmeter in a case”.


Brian GM8BJF – “well, we had better get started on all these scopes and other test equipment”.


Brian GM8BJF – “what am I bid for this nice oscilloscope?”


“Not another oscilloscope!”


Brian GM8BJF – “At last, the book I have always been looking for!”


Pete GM4BYF – “And with this key there’s no excuse – the Morse code is printed on the base!”


Last chance to get your raffle tickets!


Peter GM4DTH checks that there is no hard vacuum in these raffle bottles!

The winner was Pete GM4BYF whose only “Grouse” was that the liquid wasn’t malt!



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