27 Mar 2013 – The Sinking of the Flying Enterprise – Angus Annan MM1CCR

Angus Annan MM1CCR speaking at the LRS meeting.

The sinking of the former liberty ship Flying Enterprise in the Atlantic while sailing in January 1952 from Hamburg to New York caught the imagination of the public at that time, when the world was going through the austere post-war years when there was no television. Captain Kurt Carlsen W2ZXM, who remained on board after all but one of the passengers and crew were safely rescued, and Kenneth Dancy of the rescue tug Turmoil who joined Carlson on the ship, became heroes, not least to the young Angus Annan, now MM1CCR, who described the event at the LRS meeting on 27th March 2013. Angus kindly provided these photographs below from his presentation.




Chart of the last voyage of the Flying Enterprise, intended to be from Hamburg to New York before she was struck in a hurricane-force storm in the North Atlantic which caused even the RMS Queen Mary to hove to.


The Flying Enterprise after the hull cracked in a hurricane-force storm

 and the cargo of pig-iron shifted, causing a 25 degree list to port.


Close-up of the stern of the Flying Enterprise.


The stern of the tug Turmoil which attempted to tow the Flying Enterprise towards Falmouth after Kenneth Dancy, the mate of the Turmoil jumped onto the Flying Enterprise to help Capt Carlsen pull the heavy tow-line aboard. The tow-line broke 42 miles west of Falmouth in 280 feet of water and the recue had to be abandoned. 



The Flying Enterprise shortly before she sank.


A lifeboat of the Flying Enterprise, washed up after the sinking, on the south coast of Cornwall.


 Captain Kurt Carlson W2ZXM/MM in his shack.

W2ZXM was well-known on the 10 metre band. 


QSL card of Captain Kurt Carlsen W2ZXM/MM showing the sinking of the Flying Enterprise.



Ed: there are several clips (including a song!) of the sinking of the Flying Enterprise on YouTube:





Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmfXzq8hT9g



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