1-2 Sept 2012 – RSGB 2m Trophy Contest – Gatehouse of Fleet

The GM3HAM Contest Group of the Lothians Radio Society took part in the RSGB 2m Trophy Contest on 1-2 September 2012 from our usual location in the hills above Gatehouse of Fleet. On arrival on the Friday afternoon we found ourselves in thick cloud while we erected all the tents. That evening was spent in the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse for dinner and a few pints. It rained during the night but thereafter the weather was excellent for the rest of the weekend. With only two beams to erect (17 element M2 at 45ft / 14m for SSB/CW and 9 element Tonna at 27ft / 8.3m for FM) it was a fairly leisurely Saturday morning and we were all set for the start of the contest mid-afternoon. Conditions were nothing special but we made over 150 QSOs including a number on the continent – 7 x F, 3 x PA and 1 x ON at a maximum distance of 832km. Early on the Saturday evening half of the operators went to the Masonic Arms and returned mid-evening to relieve the remaining operators. The GM3HAM/P operators were Norrie GM1CNH, Brian GM8BJF, Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM4DIJ & Mike GM4IGS and Alan GM3PSP. 


Photos by Peter GM4DTH and Alan GM3PSP


Number of valid QSOs:                                154
Claimed number of QSO points:                51964
Claimed total score:                                      51964
Best DX – Callsign; Locator; Distance:      F6HMQ  in JN18gp at 832km


After erecting the tents in cloud / fog on Friday afternoon we adjourned to the Masonic Arms for a nice meal and a few beers.

L-R: Alan GM3PSP, Norrie GM1CNH, Brian GM8BJF, Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM4DIJ & Mike GM4IGS.


Pete GM4BYF assembling the 17-element M2 yagi for 2m SSB & CW.


 Peter GM4DTH recording it all for posterity (and maybe the next video evening in January).


Brian GM8BJF making sure the beam is secure on the mast.


 Ready to erect the main beam.


The main beam for SSB & CW – horizontally-polarized.

The pole was 14m agl and 196m asl


It’s a grand beam, Brian. Yes, it certainly is, Brian.


Mike GM4IGS provided a second station with a Tonna 9-element vertically-polarized yagi at 27ft (8.3m) fed with Westflex 103 coax, for working FM stations. 


A nice pair – the 17-element horizontal M2 beam for SSB/CW and the 9-element vertical Tonna for FM.



Pete GM4BYF getting things set up in the operating tent.


The two stations in the operating tent. Left: the FT736R transceiver for SSB / CW and beam rotator; centre: the 2m linear amplifier and power supply; right: Mike’s FT-847 station for FM and beam rotator. 


Mike’s 2m FM station (Yaesu FT-847 running 50W barefoot) and beam rotator.

Note the essential bottle of lubricant below.


Peter GM4DTH operating while Pete GM4BYF does the computer-logging.


Pete: “it’s very difficult to find a good spot up here to connect to the Internet. Why don’t they use VHF like us?”


Mike GM4IGS logging while Peter GM4DTH operates.


A welcome visitor was LRS member John GM8OTI, who has a caravan at Gatehouse of Fleet. 


Norrie GM1CNH operating.


Mike GM4IGS operating


On the Saturday evening half of the operators adjourned to the Masonic Arms for an early dinner and a pint.

They then returned to the site to relieve the remaining operators and allow them to go for dinner.

First group L-R: Brian GM8BJF, Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF & Alan GM3PSP. (photo c/o waiter).    


Even on one pint they were quite merry afterwards especially when they were joined by John GM8OTI.


The first group got back into working ’em on 2m: Pete GM4BYF.


Alan GM3PSP operating. 


First thing on the Sunday morning – another nice day of weather.


Contest paradise. 


New chef-de-cuisine Alan GM3PSP was soon providing the traditional bacon rolls

(the main reason why many of the guys come to these portable contests)!


Hey Jed, is it true those guys are still on MONO ?


Hey guys, smile for the group photo before we leave.


L-R: Brian GM4DIJ, Brian GM8BJF, Norrie GM1CNH, Mike GM4IGS, Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF & Alan GM3PSP

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