19 Oct 2011 – Surplus Equipment Sale

The Lothians autumn Surplus Equipment Sale was held on Wednesday 19th October at St Fillans Church Hall.


 Visitors from several other local clubs were welcomed at this well-attended meeting.



 LRS President Pete Bates GM4BYF opened the sale with words of welcome.


There were lots of items of surplus equipment …


… more surplus equipment …


… even more surplus equipment … 


… and – let’s be honest – that four-letter word – junk!


Examining the goodies. 


Pete selling a nice control panel. 


L-R: Pete GM4BYF, Colin GM4HWO and (Treasurer) Peter GM4DTH.


Brian GM8BJF with a microwave frequency standard.


Secretary Andy MM0FMF with a “thingy” 


Melvyn GM4HYR with a vintage portable TV.


“Yes, this vintage bakelite telephone definitely works”


“Nice couple of globes you’ve got there, Colin”.


“And the red one really works”.


“You won’t be able to buy these tungsten bulbs for much longer, you know”!


There was a raffle with an assortment of “bottles” that contained rather more than a vacuum!  

L-R: Peter GM4DTH, Jack GM1CQC & Andy MM0FMF prepare the raffle tickets for the draw.


The tension while waiting for the draw.


 Picking one of the winning tickets.

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