Lothians RAYNET Active During Snow Emergency

Members of Lothians RAYNET were called out by the City of Edinburgh Emergency Planning Officer, NHS Lothian and the Red Cross on Monday 6th December.

Lothians RAYNET members were asked to provide support throughout the Lothian and Central Scotland areas, together with Lothians 4X4 at 10:41 on Monday, and their duties included providing transport for patients to and from dialysis, to and from homes and conveying patients to Health Centres to attend to urgent care problems. Operations were coordinated from the QTH of Charlie GM6MUZ by himself and Vic GM3OWU.

They were then asked to open a second control centre in Livingston on Tuesday to provide contacts with NHS traffic, and to operate on agreed frequencies.

The weather continued to be atrocious with freezing fog, and the main motorway through the area (M8) became grid-locked later. The Army were called to provide military assistance to the Community, and Fife RAYNET were assisting by the use of cross band Talk Through.

The period of duty was ended at 18:30z on Friday 10th December.

(Report derived from National RAYNET News, 12 December 2010).

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