Scottish VHF Convention, Perth, 29th May, 1965.
After 35 years, meeting for the first time in person at the Scottish VHF Convention in Perth rather than over the air, L-R: D.M. Harrower GM6NX, Stirling, W. Robertson GM6RI, Forfar & Jack Wilson GM6XI, Edinburgh. It is not true that when this was taken they were debating whose turn it was for the next round! (Photo Short Wave Magazine)
Scottish VHF Convention, Glasgow, 16th November 1968
Ticket of Chris D. Jones, later – G8GFB.
Only item so far.
Scottish VHF Convention, Edinburgh, 26th October, 1969.
Top table L-R: Tom Spiers GM3OWI, Tom Douglas G(M)3BA (RSGB VHF Manager), David Guest GM3TFY, Vic Stewart GM3OWU, Bob Kerr GM4FDT, …
Tom Simpson GM3BCD of the LRS is presented with the Jock Kyle Trophy
by Geoff Stone G3FZL of the RSGB (VHF Manager or even President).
Bob Kerr GM4FDT making a presentation.
L-R: Mike Dormer G3DAH (well-known VHFer), Jack Wilson GM6XI, Syd Rowden GM6SR, Tom Douglas G3BA (originally GM3BA in Edinburgh).
(Ticket tnx Tom Simpson GM3BCD-SK).